人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Useful expressions Unit 3 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,陕西省

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年份:|2018|,版本:|部编|人教PEP|,学科:小学英语教学视频,年级:|四年级|,赛事:,TAGS:,专题:,课件教案:PPT课件+教案 ,本课地址:https://www.tingkez.com/yingyu/xxyy/138223.html
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Useful expressions Unit 3 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,陕西省uGF听课站-教学视频听课网,优质课,公开课视频听课网站!
PEP小学英语四年级下册Useful expressions  Unit3教学设计  一、教学内容分析   本节课的教学Useful expressions中的第三单元的内容。本部分通过对Unit3整个单元的内容整合,使学生熟练掌握本单元常用表达的句子,并能在实际的生活当中加以运用。 二、学情分析   学生已经系统地学习了Unit3的内容,因此学生对这一单元的Useful expressions不会陌生,再来着重学习这些Useful expressions的时候就不是很难。学生基本能掌握本单元的重点句型和常用表达,但是学生存在的问题是用的少,不知道在什么语言环境下运用这些句子。 三、教学目标   1.能够运用What’s the weather like in sp.? 询问天气并且知道如何回答, It is /It’s cold/rainy/...。  2.熟练掌握Is it cloudy/sunny/windy/snowy/rainy?这样的一般疑问句和它的肯定、否定回答,Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.  3.熟练掌握Can I...?一般疑问句和它的肯定、否定回答,Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.  四、重难点  重点: 1.能够运用What’s the weather like in sp.? 询问天气并且知道如何回答。  2.熟练掌握句子Is it cloudy/sunny/windy/snowy/rainy?及其肯定、否定回答,Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.  3.熟练掌握句子Can I...?及其它的肯定、否定回答,Yes, you can/ No, you can’t.  难点:1.能够在正确的语言环境下运用这些句子表达,提高学生的语言表达能力;  2.熟练掌握一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答,能够正确表达并书写,提高学生的书面表达能力。  教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.Revision:  Show some pictures and word cards about weather, then read and match. 2.Free talk:  What is the weather like today? It’s...  Is it sunny/rainy/cloudy/…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Can I …? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.  [设计意图:通过复习第三单元的重点词汇,加深学生的记忆和理解。再通过师生简单的问答,引出本节课的重点句型并复习这个重点句型。]  Step 2 Presentation  1. There is the world weather report. Listen and tick. (1) It’s hot and windy in Sydney. ( )  (2) It is windy in Beijing. ( ) (3) It’s rainy in London. ( ) (4) It’s sunny in Singapore. ( ) (5) It’s snowy in Moscow. ( ) (6) It’s cloudy in New York. ( )  [设计意图:通过听天气预报,大致了解天气预报的内容,锻炼学生听的能力。]  2. Listen and read the report again, and fill in the blanks. (1) Today it’s _________ in Sydney.  (2) What’s the weather like in ________? It’s windy. (3) Today it is _______ in London.  Can you go outside and fly a kite? __________________. (4) Is it cloudy in Singapore? ___________________________. (5) Is it snowy in Moscow? ____________________________. (6) Can you make a snowman(堆雪人) in Moscow? __________. (7) Is it windy in New York? _______________. 3. Retell the weather report. 4. Read the report again.  [设计意图:本环节通过听、读文段,通过问题创设和引导,进一步熟悉文段的内容,同时锻炼学生的思维能力和阅读能力,也培养了学生捕捉信息的能力。通过填空练习,加深对文段的记忆和理解,与此同时,学生更进一步明确如何正确回答有关天气的问题,也规范了学 生的书写。复述天气预报,进一步锻炼了学生的口语说的能力,同时也为下面的练习环节做好基础。] Step 3 Consolidation  1. To be a weather forecaster.  Divide the students into 6 groups. Each group will write a weather report. First, they should write a weather report, and then choose one volunteer to read the report as a weather forecaster.  e.g. This is the weather report. It’s _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________.   [设计意图:本部分出示中国地图其中标注了6个地方及其天气情况。学生用学过的常用表达和词汇,写一则天气预报。然后每组拍一个代表像预报员那样进行天气播报。目的在于培养学生用英语写作的能力和口语表达能力,以及知识的综合运用能力。] 2. Read and act.  Each group will vote 2representatives. They will make a dialogue about the weather report and act.  e.g. A: What’s the weather like in Kunming?  B: It is ______ A: Is it cold? B: ____________  A: Can I go outside to play football?  B: ______________   [设计意图:本环节学生通过自己编对话谈论天气,整合了本课的语言知识和内容,锻炼了学生的口语交际能力,同时也能够调动孩子们的积极性。] Step 4 Homework  1. Write a weather report by yourself. And then read it to your parents. 2. Use the useful expressions to make a dialogue with your partner and perform.  [设计意图:孩子们自己设计天气预报并扮演天气预报员、和自己的同伴谈论天气,再次激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生熟练掌握语言,并运用到自己平时的生活中,学以致用。]  板书设计:  Unit 3 Useful expression    What’s the weather like in Beijing/Sydney/…? It is /It’s cold/rainy/.... Is it sunny/rainy/cloudy/…? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Can I …?  Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
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